
An Organization on a Mission

Utilizing Resources for Human Capital Development

Our mission is to mobilise, manage and disburse resources for human capital development to contribute towards achieving an industrialised and modernised economy.

We are committed to delivering the highest standard of customer service and
we will continuously work towards improving the standard of services. Find Out More

We are values anchored

ZIMDEF is guided by values of accountability, integrity, professionalism, team Work, and innovativeness.

  • sun
    We strive to be answerable and take responsibility for our action s and the consequences thereof;
  • scale
    We are truthful, honourable, reliable, upright and transparent
  • diamond
    We strive for excellence in all we do, exhibiting high standards of professional ethics
  • algorithm
    Team Work
    We take collective responsibility, collaborate, complement and respect each other;
  • l-settings
    We continuously seek new methods, measures, and novel ways to serve our stakeholders.
What We Do

Supporting Development of Skilled Human Capital in Zimbabwe

As a partner in human capital development and innovation we will continue to aid development of skilled human capital and innovation

What We Are Becoming

A Resource Mobilisation Hub for Human Capital Development

We have a vision of becoming a resource mobilisation hub for human capital development for an industrialised and modernised economy by 2030.


To ensure that we are able to effectively carry out our mandate in the most efficient way possible, we have eight core departments with specific functions and responsibilities.

Supporting Human Skills Development and Innovation for Modernisation and Industrialisation